Saturday, May 25, 2019

Benevolent deep eyes
baring my tattered inside
Through the sheer.

Journeys inside the deepest mountains
Arduous lone sojourns
That a starry eyed
Child absorbs in awe, of this king

The stories leave a tightly shut casket
In a mist of deep blue
Shocking her innocence
What is to be lost
But the torn insides
Of a soul falling between  desert sand

Written somewhere in 2013

Talk, say, belong
its like walking forward
and retracing aimlessly
if i looked up, the vastness could engulf me
and i will lose what looking down
at my footprints will give me.
i play games with my mind
if this, then that, and then there
if there why not, why so...

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Nine minutes
At twenty three fifty one

The sea wasn't ending:
Something for pereniality

At midnight, the toll charges
Would magically turn the day outward

a shutting tea shop,
spoon scooped castor sugar
Leftovers of a pastry
That meant nothing

Banal moments
Over a tea
And the lost nine minutes
At the bridge that was crossed too fast

Between lost sleep
Unspoken answers to unasked questions

Half written...